The Hanged Man (Reversed)

The Hanged Man - Reversed

The Hanged Man - Reversed

It’s time to let go and glow! That thing you have been tied to is actually something you have been gripping in fear and desperation - release it. You don’t need it and it has only been holding you back. You already know that, though, because your energy is already shining. Tonight, think about the most beautiful sunrise you have ever experienced. Visualize it - maybe even pull up a picture you snapped to remind you of the specifics. Remember how the light peeked out slowly and the beams danced and teased the clouds as it ascended into the sky filling the world with the promise of a new day? Think about all the ways you can do this as you rise to meet life’s challenges each and every morning. Become that sun, embracing every one with the warm and unique rays that only you can extend. Let go - be free - shine on!


The Queen of Cups - Reversed


The High Priestess