The King of Cups…
Let the emotions of your day flood your dreams with imaginative journeys tonight. Perhaps you didn’t feel like you quite had a handle on your feelings today, but that is ok, because while you slumber you can commandeer your own vessel as you traverse the waves that overtake your heart. Your feelings are stormy, but have the power to illuminate your dark beauty in ways that can elevate you into your own true power. As you drift off to sleep, envision yourself as wildly in control of every element composing your most luscious emotions. Allow your spirit to navigate the most dangerous pieces of self with composed wonder. When you float back to the waking world in the morning, steer yourself into Thursday with tranquil ferocity. Become the dream of your mysterious inner life. Welcome the fathomless elegance of your heart.
“A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities.” - JRR Tolkien
The “Female” King of Cups - Digital Artworks by AW Stein