The Wheel of Fortune - Reversed…
Are you ready for a Karmic shift today? Before you dance around screaming, “Yes! Yes! Yes” with glee, ask yourself this, “Where have I been mostly residing on the wheel of life recently?” If you have been moving forward with good intentions and positive energy, this shift may work in your favor. If you have been acting from a place of selfishness and manipulation to get what you want or need, you may be in for a sudden wake up call. Wherever you land today on the sacred circle, absorb the lesson of it. We all sometimes need a reminder of the power of give-and-take in our universe. So whether you find yourself at the top or bottom of this rotation, you can be certain to blossom and flourish from there. Round and round you go, my loves!
“The wheel of fortune lifts us up and brings us down. You must free your happiness from its vagaries. Expect nothing and everything is a gift.” - Phil Tucker
The Wheel of Fortune from the Sacred Rose Tarot by Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman