The Knight of Cups - The 10 of Pentacles - The Nine of Cups

All gorgeous cards from the Light Seer’s Tarot

All gorgeous cards from the Light Seer’s Tarot

A warm cozy wish on an auspicious day. What are the three questions most asked in a reading? Love, Money, Career… May your love life be filled with easy charm and open emotional sharing. May you be blessed with a giving, open and exciting partner who knows how to make your heart skip a beat. Temper your expectations (love that person for who they are), but agree to ride that White Horse in any direction it takes you. You will find adventure in their adoring gaze - Knight of Cups. May you be protected with wealth - not just the monetary kind! Expand your mind to recognize that wealth comes to you in all forms - the people you love, the sharing of experiences, the personal growth you experience (sometimes without even recognizing it), the support you receive from the universe that lights up a path for you to advance. May you be surrounded with love and shelter in safety - not just relying on material items, but I hope you experience an emotional wealth that wraps around you like a warm blanket and fills your soul like a cup of dark hot chocolate - 10 of Pentacles. May you always lead with the heart in whatever you do. Never lose sight that the most authentic version of who you are will bring you great success and fulfillment in your career. It’s not just about loving what you do - it’s about using the best elements of your spirit - your most rich, hidden treasures to guide your heart when doing the “work”. Is it work? Or is it a just a deeper expression of who you are? I dream that we all can embrace this energy in our own time and way….


The Nine of Pentacles


The Three of Cups