The Three of Cups

The Three of Cups from Shadowscapes Tarot

The Three of Cups from Shadowscapes Tarot

Who are your two nearest and dearest - the friends, that in your murkiest moments will guide you through the sludge? Who are your eternal besties who are there to gleefully celebrate your wins and help you stitch yourself back together when life is unraveling? Think about those times you all came together to lift each other up. Remember the overwhelmingly full emotions they instilled and inspired in you and how balanced your relationship felt in the moments when you needed each other most. There is undeniable magic in these unions. This weekend, gather with them if you can. Tap into that very potent sorcery and allow its healing properties to renew your spirit. Really allow yourself to take in all of the gorgeous energy they have to offer and be open to giving it back 3 fold. What other magic can you put into the world together? Your cups are overflowing. The possibilities are limitless.


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