The Knight of Swords & The Nine of Wands…

I’m not surprised to hear you are feeling a little exhausted. That dark energy that just rode into your life, dizzying your mind and dirtying your path has finally trotted off into the distance and you are left picking up the pieces. The toxicity of that person or situation was like a windy storm and you did a great job of defending your territory, but you did find yourself at a stand-still, wondering if you could hold on. As you watch them or it go, give yourself a moment to breathe and restore your own depleted energy. Then, you can gather what is left and being to release your guard to promote new growth. You are so close to a fresh start, but before you begin to take action, heal your mind. You did well, but you didn’t deserve all of that. Don’t worry - the clouds are lifting!

“Your peace is more important than driving yourself crazy trying to understand why something happened the way it did.” – Trent Shelton

The Knight of Swords & The Nine of Wands from The Slow Tarot by Lacey Bryant


The Lovers - Reversed…

