The Lovers - Reversed…
Love is complicated. Sorry to state the obvious, but sometimes it needs to be repeated. Harmony can dispel discord, but discord can be born of harmony - they co-exist - without one, there wouldn’t be another. Love it not the answer - in fact, it mostly raises more questions. It can be delightfully messy and devastatingly beautiful. It will live up to your dreams and then tear them down, but it will always bring you back to yourself, if you let it. Let the love you feel and find be imperfect - let it ebb and flow as it wishes, but do not compromise. If that someone else does not understand your worth, they will not withstand the shared ride that is love. Keep looking til you find the one that wants to get their hands dirty in an alarmingly alluring way with you. You deserve all of this adventure and you will know when you have found the one or the many that deserve all of you.
“Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.” - Zora Neale Hurston
The Lovers (Reversed) from The Superlunaris Tarot