The Knight of Wands - Reversed…

As a message for the week ahead, you may find yourself feeling very fired up and ready to take action. BUT, intuition and instinct don’t always require impulsive action. Being passionate about something is a euphoric and stimulating reaction but taking action based on this fervor could require some forethought and planning. Don’t rush in with wildness this time. Take a moment. Recognize that your impassioned state of being is likely warranted, but might not allow you to think clearly on the most logical way to confront the solution or change that you seek. Redirect that intense sensation into an organized map toward your true intention. Focus your fire and you will be better equipped for your sneaky attack.

“Don’t dissipate your powers; strive to concentrate them.” - Goethe

The Knight of Wands (Reversed) from the Tarot of The Hidden Realm by Julia Jeffrey and Barbara Moore


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