The Lovers…
Love presents us with a choice - constantly urging us to step outside of our comfort zones and often asking us to pursue that which excites us most, but feels forbidden. But, even when you make the choice that feels safe in your romantic life, love is still dangerous. Look at the reality of it….You are accepting an uncomfortable level of vulnerability. You are offering yourself up to someone who might embrace you or abuse you. You are investing time and energy in a joint effort, but you never really know what dwells within the person who is the object of your affection. So why not let love feel a little dangerous? Acknowledge the unknown and let it walk beside you under the engorged and luscious moon. Though it may feel menacing to you, don’t lose sight of the fact that love is a two way street. Sometimes you will face your lover and see the face of an adversary, but sometimes they will face you and receive the same antagonistic response. On the other side of the situation, you might meet under a dark sky and quickly become one - merging together in mind, spirit and heart. So, why not walk with that danger beside you? Seems like a deliciously rewarding chance to take! Protect self, but not too much…
“Love’s for fools wise enough to take a chance.” - Amy Grant
The Lovers from the Tarot Familiars Deck by Lo Scarabeo