The Moon…
I asked the cards how we can invite magic into the week ahead and I got the juiciest response! Also, since this week begins with a full moon on the 17th, it seemed incredibly appropriate (thank you, deck!). Start your week with activity that will release and free your mind and spirit. What are you holding on to that is inhibiting your intuition and restricting hidden thoughts and feelings from rising to the surface? Cleanse yourself of this on Monday. This may mean doing some meaningful cleaning around the house, getting something off your chest with a friend or loved one, or exorcising internal conflict with finality. Using the power of the full moon to support the shedding of your block is encouraged. In releasing yourself from this self-imposed censorship, what deeper magic rises to the surface? Follow your whims, nurture your wildly creative ideas, express your innermost desires and savor the moments when you do. As you let your demons swim out in healthy and exciting ways, stop and thank the moon for aiding you on the dark, delicious path toward the magic of your authentic self.
“Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being.” - Rumi
The Moon Card - Artist Rendering by Moonspiral found on Red Bubble