The Lovers - Reversed…
This week love will ensnare you with depth and excitement. It will captivate you in a rapturous way. It will draw you in and simultaneously push you away, leaving you wanting more. But, it may also twist you in an unanticipated direction. Ask yourself this, are you in control? Do you want to be in control? Are you making the choices or have you been chosen? Whatever or who ever this love is, it or they will clearly have a hold on your psyche, but can it or they actually touch your heart? How hard would you fight to keep this feeling alive? Or will you just release yourself when the thrill has passed? This kind of love comes with more questions than answers. It’s darkly beautiful, deliciously threatening and might leave in a flash. So, savor it, but don’t hold on too tight.
“Love always, in one way or another, means pain as well as joy.” - Susan Glaspell
The Lovers (Reversed) - Art by Erin Kelso