When you are on the bottom of the wheel and everything is upside down, it’s best to just give in to the chaos. The spinning of your life will whip your hair into your face in a way that makes it difficult to truly see what’s there. People you know and love will seem unfamiliar to you. And your heart may race faster than your thoughts. But, the more you fight this level of anxiety and doubt, the harder it will become to stay strapped into your seat. Be kind and understanding to yourself - close your eyes if it helps. Breathe, accept your situation with dignity, hold on for dear life or, if you are feeling very brave, let go and wait til you come to a stop. I guarantee you you will eventually find yourself right-side up and you’ll be able to feel whole once again. Truthfully, you may slow down but you will almost never stop spinning. Such is life. Reorient your spirit to accommodate the surreal and above all honor yourself with gentility.