The Lovers with The World

The Lovers with The World hovering above - The Light Seer’s Tarot

The Lovers with The World hovering above - The Light Seer’s Tarot

Every human connection and close relationship has potential to be a life altering, transformative experience. When you share intimately with another it can feel like you have created your own little universe together. But, think about how this changes who you are out in the world, even when you step away from this person. Relationships are not always just stunning distractions from everyday life, they can be continually evolving experiences that modify your perception of everything around you. If you find yourself in someone’s loving embrace today, think about how they have changed your vision of who you want to be on this planet. What gorgeous experiences have you shared that have made you see yourself in a new light? If you have experienced glorious and gut-wrenching moments together, how have those moments shaped your approach to others? The love you are receiving can be reflected upon others - how are you revealing this to others? How does your lover inform what version of you hovers in the atmosphere? The next time you have your arms wrapped around a loved one remember that you are embracing the world.


The Four of Swords


The Eight of Swords