The Four of Swords

The Four of Swords

The Four of Swords

This card keeps coming up for us, friends! It’s time to look deeper. Yes, we all need a break - a little solitude every now and then - to maintain our sense of mental balance. But, what are we doing when we take this break? It might be time to meditate on our ancestry - the family we have known and loved and even those we haven’t known. What roots do you have that you should honor? What are the stories of those who have come before you and how have they contributed to where you find yourself in this moment? Take a moment today to show gratitude for those brave familial spirits that have carved a path for you in known and unknown ways. They are still with you on your current journey and will guide you as you continue on your way. Connect with their energy -feel their strength and honor their sacrifices. You are filled with the spirit and fortitude of those brave souls! Recognizing this will rejuvenate and empower you.


Four of Cups


The Lovers with The World