The Moon

The Moon - An Artist’s Print

The Moon - An Artist’s Print

Good evening, creatures of the night! Let your dreams of tonight guide you deep within your subconscious mind. What hidden urges do you keep bottled up in your darkest inner caves? What would it look like if you allowed those urges and desires to creep up to the surface and journey into the world? It’s safe to reveal these muted elements of your true nature in the light of the moon while you slumber. Allow the full essence of who you are dance in the murkiness of your dreaming life. There is so much in your waking life that is currently unknown, but in your dreams, you are free to take that forbidden path and explore every unseen danger. Why not go for it? Your brave and knowing spirit may decide to travel back with you to your waking life….and who knows what will happen then! It’s all very exciting… Dream sweet under the careful watch of that mysterious and evasive moon.


Ace of Wands - Reversed


Ten of Cups - Reversed