Ace of Wands - Reversed

Ace of Wands - An Artist’s Rendering

Ace of Wands - An Artist’s Rendering

I see you… I see you trying to figure out your true purpose - peeking out into the world from that smoldering flame within. What is the meaning of all this?!? Perhaps you feel connected to a spark of creativity and have a small idea of what fulfills you, but you aren’t sure yet how to manifest it. Allow yourself this moment - do not push or feel guilty for not “doing more”. It’s possible that you may not be able to “do more” at this point. But, please hold on to that spark - there is so much there to be explored and when the time is right to take that first step, you will know and you will be ready. Trust that, in this moment, even with all of your inner fire yearning to be free, you are exactly where you are meant to be. This moment of frustration may actually be your first step to the realization of that dream. Allow yourself to sit, peacefully and calmly, in the middle of this raging fire. What do you see and feel there? How might this feeling change who you are? Is there someone there with you in this blaze? When you eventually take a step forward, will you carry this fire with you or will you be fleeing it to be reborn? It will be an adventure to experience just how this moment will shape your life. But, for now, live in that fiery passion and allow every bit of ash to rain down on you.


The Ten of Cups


The Moon