The Moon…


I wanted to mix it up a little, so this morning I asked my cards what we should be grateful for today and The Moon Card was my deck’s response. Since we pulled the Moon (Reversed) a few days ago, it definitely feels like we need to dive deep this week. Let’s be grateful for all of the rich, hidden complexities of our lives. It’s the undercurrent of who we are that we can use to make the most powerful of magic. Be grateful for all those parts of you that are murky and dark - the feelings and impressions that feel imperfect but unrelenting. You may believe that you aren’t forthrightly sharing this energy with others, but there is an undeniable trickle down effect of this potent energy that finds it’s way into everything you do. Your personal understanding of life and your unseen knowing are integral to the manner in which you move through your life and the smallest of actions you take have an effect on the entire universe. Your perceived imperfections are a rare gift you can give to others. Be grateful for your darkness, it is an incredible provider of light for all those around you.

“I know I stand visibly onstage, but my function is still unseen, because I rarely see the results of what I’m saying or doing or writing.” - Larry Norman

The Moon Card - digital artists rendering


The Sun - Reversed…


A Glance at The Week Ahead…