The Sun - Reversed…
It’s funny how a day can start and then you pull a card and the theme is clear - the card just highlights the lesson of your morning! This is what happened when I pulled today and I hope it resonates with you just as strongly. We all want to bask in the sun - absorbing the warmth of it’s rays and feeling at ease in each beautiful moment. If life felt this way every day, think of how trouble free it would be for us all. But, don’t forget, you ARE the sky and you have a light inside of you - a brilliance that is longing to be shared. You can project your own warm rays out for the benefit of all the wandering souls in your own personal orbit. What glow can you shine upon them? How might you use your light to express the joy and beauty in their day? What comforts can you illuminate with each word you speak? Allow your smile to radiate the calming and healing energy you crave. Shine your light and you will see that energy reflected back in ways you never expected. Gleam, glow, glisten and do it all with an open heart and naked spirit. Shine on, friend. Shine on.
“The real you is loving, joyful and free. The real you is just like a flower, just like the wind, just like the ocean, just like the sun.” - Don Miguel Ruiz
The Sun Card (Reversed) from The Fey Tarot by Riccardo Minetti and Mara Aghem