An excellent card for our week ahead! It’s time to fill our cups with the enrichment of friends, family and new relationships yet to be made. Navigate your colorful social calendar with the intention of nourishing your heart and soul. Allow the people you meet and the people you know to surprise you with support, humor, love and inspiration. In fact, think of your social life this week as an expedition into the lush, vibrant jungle of humanity. Your hunt is for people that will enhance this journey in the moment, but also fill your spirit with lasting magic. Let all of your senses remain open, so you may absorb the full flavor of life that is longing to be savored. Indulge in the ideas and energy of all you encounter. Drink it in, my friends! There is so much richness to experience in the day to day connections you make. Have a juicy week and say “hello” to all you encounter!