The Nine of Swords…


Your mind is racing. Your heart is pounding. The thoughts are coming a mile a minute and you cannot keep them at bay. Anxiety, worry, doubt swirling around you in a flurry - like being caught in a blizzard of your mind. You cannot sleep at night. But, what if this wasn’t just your every-day worry? What if this was your mind actively working through the surface thoughts to get to a deeper message? Imagine the plight of a clairvoyant - all of that information coming and going at all hours of the day and night. But, they have the extrasensory ability to make sense of it - or distill it down to a cleaner communication. I’m not saying that you are clairvoyant, but why not approach this tornado of dizzying thoughts like you are? Instead of getting carried away by the storm - sharpen your senses and get to the heart of it with accuracy and understanding. You never know what the real, true message is that is waiting there for you til you welcome it by clearing a path…

“Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance; it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality.” - Alexis Carrel

The Nine of Swords Clairvoyance - Art by Louisa Poole


The Queen of Wands…


Three of Swords - Reversed…