The Nine of Swords…
Good evening, my pretties. Seems something messy went down for you and you may find yourself reeling in the energy of it’s wake. But, why? When life splatters trauma and stress all over your path, you can let it terrorize your mind and habituate your dreams, or you can take a stand against this demon. It may be true that your situation feels like mayhem, you can let that mayhem invade your mind and wreak bloody havoc, or you can expel your dark and chaotic thoughts and free up your mind for better things. None of us have time for sleepless nights. And your dreams should be a a beautiful escape, not a place for you to circle in agonizing disturbances. Anxiety is a monster, it’s true. But, you can exorcise this fiend or welcome it. I think, no matter what the cause it, it’s best not to hold space for it in your mind or spirit. It is a definite challenge, but it begins with a mere choice. Sweet dreams, my pretties!
“Often we wish to be exorcised of demons we ourselves have allowed house room.” - Sheri S. Tepper
The Nine of Swords from The 78 Tarot Astral - Tarot in Space - Card by Jessica Perner