The Page of Swords…
This weekend, unravel in a darkly beautiful way. Peel away the outer layers of preconceived ideas and understanding. Imagine that every moment you encounter is a new chance to learn, absorb and grow. If every experience is unknown to you, how might your gorgeously blank spirit approach each one? If you didn’t have to know or even care to know, then maybe that knowledge would materialize for you like a mesmerizing fog. Allow yourself to be completely unencumbered and float through the weekend’s encounters with gloaming curiosity. Let the mystery of life entrance you and choose to become a mystery to all you encounter. No judgements, no notions and no concern for should and shouldn’t - Just beguiling openness of mind and soul. Perhaps, ignorance can be bliss?
“Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Knave Of Stakes (Page of Swords) from The Vampire Tarot by Robert Place