The Nine of Swords…
The Moon, The Tower and now this! The Nine of Swords can be a dose of darkness. We are off to quite a start this week. Perhaps the deep-dive into the subconscious is a little too cavernous for our mental well being? If you are spinning in your mind and finding it hard to sleep at night, don’t retreat even further inward. Raise your head and open those eyes - what you see in front of you will not be as overwhelming as it feels to you on the inside. In fact, this is the perfect moment for you to wake up and realize how you might utilize your own subconscious memories and experiences to master the dizzying thoughts you find hovering in the present. I mean, you made it through all that past terror, trauma and muckety muck, take a moment to recall how strong you were as you confronted it all and conquer this moment with ease. To start this process - just face it. The tangible truth is always less daunting than the imagined fiction. Slay your own dragons tonight.
“The real strength and the impelling part of the story isn’t the slaying of the dragon, it’s in the story of the main character’s development of the courage to try.” - Will Kalif
The Nine of Swords from The Llewellyn Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson