The Moon…
It has been proven that the subconscious mind controls 95% of our lives. Meaning that the majority of our interactions, decisions and basic body functions are dominated by the instinctual brain activity that is not consciously aware to us. In this forgotten space of our individual spirits, we hold repressed memories, knowledge learned through experiences both positive and negative and desires we tuck away for fear of shameful discovery. Incredibly, the frequencies of the moon has the power to move your subconscious into the conscious. WHAT?! It’s true. This can be jarring, but if you know how to use this energy to your advantage, it can be incredibly illuminating. This week, be your own Moon and shed light on the deepest secrets that you possess. Notice your instinctual decision making as you move through your days and ask yourself, “where IS this coming from?” Take a cavernous journey into that place of discovery deep within and let your hidden content claw its way to the surface. You shouldn’t be afraid of the pieces of you that determine 95% of your life. Use each day this week to become acquainted with them - welcome them into your life and wear the power of the moon like a heavenly crown.
“If the moon smiled, she would resemble you. You leave the same impression Of something beautiful, but annihilating.” - Sylvia Plath
The Moon from The Sacred Rose Tarot by Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman