The Nine of Wands - Reversed…

You have been exerting a LOT of energy because you feel like everything in your life is a fight. Perhaps you have encountered more obstacles than you expected and maybe a few unreasonable people along the way. I understand just how infuriating this can be. But, if you continue to approach everything you do by anticipating warfare, then the battle is of your own creation. Let’s face it, you are exhausted and feeling like all this effort just isn’t worth it anymore, so stop fighting. It’s ok to just drop it, take a step away and let someone else deal with it. I mean, sometimes you just have to throw your hands up and say “enough is enough” and free yourself from the weariness. It’s time.

“If you expect the worst, you’ll never be disappointed.” - Sarah Dressen

9 of Wands (Reversed) from…not sure what this deck is - not going to fight for it either - do you know?


The Knight of Wands…


The Hanged Man…