The Knight of Wands…
Feeling a little resistant to change, but longing for something different? Life is constantly challenging us to step outside of our comfort zone and we will often do everything we can to fight it. But, someone fiery may rush in today to light a fire in your heart and carry you in a new direction. They have vision that surprises you with creativity, passion and drive and you may not have time to resist. Inspiration abounds when you are in their company. Not sure who this is? Maybe they haven’t revealed themselves yet or maybe you are so shell shocked by their wild approach, that you will never fully understand the remarkably necessary pull of their magnetism. It is meant to be experienced - not understood. Let yourself be carried by their warm and fearless energy - you won’t regret it.
“Passion is born when your heart gets carried away with a purpose greater than yourself.” - Roy Spence
The Knight of Wands from the Ostara Tarot by Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard, Julia Iredale & Molly Applejohn