The Page of Cups…


What feelings repeatedly pop up for you in your day to day life? Think about it and get curious about the why and how of it all. But, don’t judge them or yourself. See if you can step outside of the emotion to just examine what is really there. Is there opportunity presenting in this juicy cup? Or are there bitter challenges and obstacles swirling there for you to swallow? How might an obstacle or challenge become an opportunity? We all long to taste love and personal/professional growth, but first you must shift your perspective to see clearly what you have in hand. Have fun and indulge your explorative nature by stepping away from it to find true understanding. Treat each emotional upheaval or blunder as a new adventure to traverse. You could turn what seems like a poisonous potion into an elixir of life. Drink it in, my friend!

“Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.” - Bob Bitchin

The Page of Cups - Art Work Unknown - If you know what deck this is from, let me know - I just love the inquisitive image!


The Hierophant - Reversed…


The Seven of Pentacles…