The Seven of Pentacles…
On the surface, this card indicates that your hard work is starting to pay off. Yay! But there is something under the surface here that needs to be addressed. Your progress is undeniable, but can you keep up at this pace? Should you? You may need a mental break to reassess where you stand. You have made progress and you should celebrate what you have been able to accomplish, but your sacrifice is undeniable. If you keep going at this momentum, you will reap the benefits, BUT maybe there’s something more to be explored that you haven’t seen or thought of yet because you are just too busy with work. This week, recognize that your goal might be easier achieved or differently accomplished - in a way that supports your own mental health and wellbeing. The hardest of work is done - you have laid a groundwork that will flourish. Take a pause, check in with your spirit, heart and mind. Redirect that determination in a way that benefits all the pieces of who you are and also promotes what you have to offer in a way that benefits others. You deserve to honor your efforts by living through them in a wholistic way.
“I never work just to work. It’s some kind of combination of laziness and self-respect.” - Harold Ramis
The Seven Of Coins - Tarot Art by Kat Joplin