Keep your eyes open today - there is someone in your circle that has intentions of stealing opportunity from you. This person is incredibly emotionally manipulative, but also quite immature. They may seem playful and fun, but underneath their curiosity about you likes a deeper motive. You see, you have something they want - potential. It’s likely they have already begun to plot how to steal your thunder, whether it be in work, love or some other way. The jealousy they feel has overtaken them and they are going to do whatever they can to take your possibility for success and snatch it away from you. What can you do? Be aware - trust your instincts and be ready for a fight, if it’s necessary. Don’t let them gleefully run away with an opportunity that is meant for you. And definitely do not let them take credit for any work you have done. In fact, I’d even say keep them far, far away from your friends and loved ones. It’s a tricky two-card Tuesday, but better to be aware than let a thief steal what is rightfully yours.