The Page of Pentacles - Reversed…
Did you wake up this morning with a strange sense of dread in the pit of your stomach? Are you feeling a mysterious emptiness that you just can’t shake? There are some days when an unusual ennui sets in and you just can’t pin point where it’s coming from or understand why it’s haunting you. I felt this way this morning, so I asked my deck for more information. We may have lost touch with the joy of enterprise. Somehow, we have allowed our personal creativity to drift away from us and this has smothered the excitement we experience with it. In a sense, we have restricted our inner child when it comes to a project or pursuit attached to money. We may be convinced this is in service to what is at stake, but the potential for fulfillment and abundance is so much greater if we bring more of that childish, explorative nature to our goal. Perhaps we are listening to another person’s ideas on how to succeed in this venture and we have lost the core of what it means to us and the promise for growth it once held. It’s okay to spend the day here in this dark cloud of nothingness, shrouded in doubt and feeling empty, but if we don’t want to live here, it’s time to invite that inner child back to our adventure. Think, tonight, on how you can reconnect with that tiny, wholesome spirit that still dwells within.
“The only horrible thing in the world is ennui.” - Oscar Wilde
The Page of Pentacles (Reversed) - Art by Man Graves on Etsy