The Eight of Swords…
You may find yourself lost in the maze of your mind this weekend. Challenges you thought you had successfully evaded will creep their way back into your psyche and demand your attention. As you sift through these goblins, it is important to remember that though you may be forced to face your inner demons on your own….you are not alone. Sometimes our circumstances press us to confront that which we work hard to avoid. The first step in this process will always be to look within one’s self and try to come to an understanding of what truly lingers there. This is the part that can feel quite lonely, right? You may find yourself wondering, “why me” or “why can I just” or “when will I be able to…” and this can lead you into an isolated mindset. But, there is always someone very nearby thinking all of the same things. They are also working hard to find their way out of their own puzzle. Don’t wander further into the darkness. Recognize that you are just doing the hard work required to advance toward the light. When you finally emerge, you may be welcomed by a kindred soul - a person who you didn’t even realize would understand what you were going through. Hang in there!
“We are not responsible for every thought that goes wandering through our mind. We are, however, responsible for the ones we hold there. We’re especially responsible for the one’s we put there.” - Peter McWilliams
The 8 of Swords from The Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche