The Page of Swords…

Flit into this week with an open mind and you will be rewarded. It’s always good to have a strategy, but in this case your plan will benefit from further information - ideas that will come to light as you explore the situation at hand. So sharpen your focus and lighten your spirit. Let curiosity lead the way and listen very intently. Remaining open to the hidden magic that can come your way, will help you to shape your approach to the week ahead with keen understanding. Learning something new will be inevitable, so don’t shy away from the unknown. Instead, open yourself up to any new ideas springing forth from others that may catch your fancy and highlight a differing perspective! Approach your world with wonder.

“Wonder is the beginning of wonder.” - Socrates

The Page of Swords from The Tarot of The Witches Garden by Sasha Graham




The Fool…