The Page of Wands

The Page of Wands - An Artist’s Rendering by Djamila Knopf - Deviant Art

The Page of Wands - An Artist’s Rendering by Djamila Knopf - Deviant Art

Page energy is the energy of potential, exploration, curiosity and youth. If you are truly passionate about what you do and who you are, but feel hesitation, fear or doubt - take a moment to stop, steady the mind and heart and tap into your own Page energy. Like a child, experience your world with complete openness and awe. Even that fear and doubt - don’t push it away - get curious about it instead! You have ideas and dreams that yearn to be seen and felt and they will be. But right now, take the time to explore them with joy and care. Your passion will grow and thrive if you recognize that it’s actually exciting that you don’t yet have all of the answers and add a little jubilation to your approach. Be adventurous and see what is there for you. In our culture, we can all get stuck in this idea of doing, accomplishing, moving forward and goal achieving, but when you truly tap into the glee of it - that’s when the real journey starts. Embrace your page energy today - be playful - you are allowed!


Justice - Reversed


Five of Swords