The Queen of Cups - Reversed

The Queen of Cups (Reversed)

The Queen of Cups (Reversed)

Hey, Drama Queen - how can you possibly cope with all of the stress and emotional strain that has been imposed upon you?!? So much suffering - how will you ever make it through?!?! If only people understood you and knew just how difficult life has become! Ok, snap out of it. Seriously - wake UP. Don’t let your emotions overtake your rational thinking. You are the queen of your domain - take control and stop whining. The more you allow your feelings to spiral, the more of a spectacle you become to those around you. Don’t you wish to be truly taken seriously? Time to start behaving like it. Ground yourself. Stiff upper lip. Maintain control. Chin up or the crown slips, darling…


Three of Swords


The Hanged Man (Reversed)