The Queen of Wands (Reversed)…


As a reader, I often get the question, “What can I do to invite love?” While the deck sometimes has a very specific answer for the querent, there is usually an overriding theme for all: “Know thyself”. We’ve all heard that insight about how you cannot love or be loved if you don’t love yourself, well, I don’t believe this to be true. We all go through ups and downs, experience high levels of self-love and self-confidence that can shift situationally and with time. This is normal and ok. But, knowing who you are - your beliefs, values and what you stand for will allow for you to attract the right person in. That person should love you in times of soaring self-love and in times of plummeting self-doubt, because they love the core of who you are. Queen of Wands (Reversed) invites you to take a moment today to check in with your personal power and knowledge of self. Your inner compass and an understanding of what drives you to grow and expand can and will make you a magnet for your personal brand of love. What are you ready to invite in, based on who you are?

“Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power” - Lao-Tzu

The Queen of Wands (Reversed) - Artist’s Rendering by Celia Favorite


The Sun & The Ace of Wands…


Page of Cups…