The Six of Cups…

The Six of Cups from The Victorian Romantic Tarot Deck

The Six of Cups from The Victorian Romantic Tarot Deck

Feeling nostalgic? The holiday season is the perfect time to snuggle in and connect with childhood memories that bring you joy. Remember when a snow storm felt like a gift from the universe that transformed the world into a magical new reality? Recall how you stared at those flakes floating slowly down like each one was sent just for you? I remember hearing the quietness like a symphony from underneath a snow covered pine tree in the front yard. Perhaps you are feeling the warm memories of friends and family past? Pour yourself a warm tea or hot chocolate and allow yourself to connect to their love like a warm blanket engulfing you. We cannot live here, in the past, but we can stop here and recollect the wonders of the world seen through youthful and innocent eyes. Don’t lose sight of this perspective - it’s still there, if you dig deep enough, waiting to be seen and felt.


The World and The High Priestess…


Ace of Pentacles…