The World and The High Priestess…

The World and The High Priestess

The World and The High Priestess

Wow. I asked a powerful question today and got a couple of very powerful answers from my cards. The question: “How can we get our world back on track?” The answer: The World. “Ok, Yes,” I thought, “That’s what I am asking about!!!” Time for a signifier - “Tell me more…” I thought. The answer: The High Priestess. Obvious? Maybe…but the deck doesn’t lie. Community and self awareness have been major themes for all of us this past year. Who are you and how do you choose to be out in the world? Everyone recognizes the phrase “Know Thyself” that was once inscribed on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi and touted by Socrates. Or, maybe, you didn’t know the history of that little phrase, but you definitely have heard it or read it in some silly little meme. But, there are so many ways to “Know Thyself” and the “Thyself” is constantly changing to parallel a world in flux. These have been tricky times, indeed. But, you can decide who you would like to be for the community at large and instinctually follow your own personal calling of fulfillment. You do not have to accomplish massive feats of outreach or change, but can expect to effect change with a pure and simple intention. By just being the purest, most sincere version of you, you exert a potent energy that touches so many. I do believe this to be true. And, today, instead of moping around wondering when I’ll be able to get back out into the world, I’m going to cast a little magic and you should, too. The High Priestess would want that.


Three of Swords…


The Six of Cups…