The Star - Reversed…

Just went you thought the worst of it was over and you could begin to recover and restore, you are thrust back into the madness. Typical. Your light feels dim and your whole perspective seems out of focus. You cannot let the dark thoughts fall away from your mind and your whole body contorts to maintain the status quo. There just are days like this when nothing you do will wash away the stress and tension. I feel your exhaustion, my friends. It won’t last forever, though. Eventually you will turn this course on end and release yourself from the expectations of others (and the expectations of self) that are just overwhelming. As you move through this, though, be mindful of your shining spirit, hiding away in the darkness. They need some care. Breathe in, breathe out and trust that renewal is not too far away. You will be healed, but for now - endure and protect. May you find rest and peace tonight while you sleep and throw gratitude in the face of whatever affronts you tomorrow!

“Dim lights perform different magic.” - JLo

The Star (Reversed) from The Thoth Deck by Aleister Crowley


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