The Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups from The House of Tarot

Ten of Cups from The House of Tarot

Happy Thanksgiving! We started on Monday with the Ten of Cups (Reversed). I think we all need to mentally turn this card upright today. Recognize that you have healthy and strong roots tied to friends, family and loved ones. Roots that cannot be rotted by distance or time. Drink in the wellspring of emotional support that you share with your dearest - notice how you all have blossomed within this shared support and care. Be grateful for every trial and tribulation, because it only brings you closer to the people in your life that truly matter. We have overcome so much this year together. We cannot be uprooted. We are strong and full of life. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving and be grateful to those who have helped you grow along the way!

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The King of Pentacles


Ace of Wands - Reversed