The Ten of Pentacles…
So often we reach for dreams that we can touch, taste and feel, because they are quantifiably attainable. But, once you have manifested those earthly things, you may find yourself still longing for more. Why? Because true fulfillment is sometimes hard to define. You may think that house, car, trip or money will make all your dreams come true, but you can find that you are a slave to these things instead of their master. So, imagine you have all the material things you believe you need for true happiness, then ask yourself, what do I really need to enjoy and appreciate these things? If my spirit were to transcend it’s earthly attachments, how might I redefine utopian personal attainment? Would it even be personal anymore, or might true satisfaction materialize in a shared emotional state with many? Think beyond. Draw up a more esoteric guide map toward fulfillment and then, reach for more than what is there.
“You can’t reach for anything new, if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk.” - Louise Smith
The 10 of Pentacles from The Housewives Tarot by Paul Keppel and Jude Buffum