Tonight you are feeling very certain that you know what is right. And, maybe you do. But, to truly do what is right you must balance that scale! Acting without bias or expectation for self is incredibly challenging, but objectivity holds enormous power. Don’t let your personal integrity tilt with ambiguity because your focus is misplaced. You may know what is right, but is it right for all - or just you? To do what is right, you have to understand the answer to that question. Tonight, take a look at your day and review each situation with which you were presented with a choice that impacted others - did you act from the desire to do what might benefit all or self? If it feels off in retrospect, tomorrow you can adjust your manner and sit in the thrown of your own focus and strength by aligning your inner scales and leading with an open and objective heart. You will feel empowered when you do.
“Integrity - the choice between what is convenient and what is right.” - Tony Dungy
The Justice Card from the Divine Diversity Tarot by Joe Phillips