Three of Pentacles…

You’ve been hard at work to build upon and perfect a dream. Have you noticed the others that have come to your aid in this endeavor? It is to your benefit to recognize the handful of helpers that have lifted you up in the tiniest of ways. Tonight, before drifting off to sleep, take a minute to reflect upon your community and the people that are supporting you as you strive toward your life goals. Without them, you may not be where you are today. Even if you are still in process, feeling gratitude for the support system you have in place will help you to better understand who and what you have at your disposal and how you might better use their input and efforts. Don’t forget, you may be a key collaborator for their advancement as well. In fact, knowing how you fit into their puzzle will help clarify the needs of all involved. Working together for the greater good is the foundation for building upon dreams.

“Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper.” - Tanzanian Proverb

The Three of Pentacles from Oriens Tarot by Ambi Sun


Four of Swords - Reversed…


The Knight of Wands…