Two of Swords…

There are two versions of you that exist - the one that has moved in a direction and made decisive choices and the one that is waiting. Sometimes waiting is the best decision that can set you forward in the right direction, but sometimes you must take swift action in going after what it is you need or want. Which one are you today? Don’t let your mind play tricks on you when it comes time to choose - trust the light at the epicenter of your spirit to tell you what must be. Intellect can sometimes get in the way, but other times will propel you with supreme vision and focus. Instincts are not to ignored. You must close your eyes to see…to know what is true. There is so much magic within, especially when you find yourself at a truly compelling crossroad on the eve of the Summer Solstice.

“Close your eyes and you will see.” - Joseph Joubert

The Two of Swords - Art by Cathy McClelland


The Ace of Wands…


Three of Pentacles…