Two of Wands…


Longing for something more? Connect to a zen-like contemplation by thinking beyond where you currently are. The world is a vast, open, glorious place and when you confine your way of thinking to your current spot, you are not seeing the full possibilities. So, take a step back, close your eyes and widen your gaze. Focus your imagination on a wider, more resplendent scope. The piece you are missing can be found further away - so expand your vision and listen to the distant wind. When you begin to see the far-reaching potential of what you have in front of you, your plan can get highly specific because you have the full scope. Partner with the core of who you are and what you want. If you can only see as far as the horizon, you aren’t yet looking with your heart.

“Look with your heart and not with your eyes. The heart understands. The heart never lies. Believe what it feels, and trust what it shows. Look with your heart; the heart always knows.” - Andrew Lloyd Weber from “Love Never Dies”

The Two of Wands from the Tarot of The Magical Forest by Lo Scarabeo


The Five of Cups…


The Seven of Wands…