Two of Wands…

When the sky turns grey, there is still juicy and enticing possibility on the horizon for you! In fact, you get to decide what you would like to do to counteract the mundane blahs that threaten to settle in. Are you going to sit pretty and let the dullness hover, or will you step outside of your comfort zone and take a chance on something poetic and abstract? Romance is all around you, so why not beckon for it to claim you? Tonight, imagine you are a flamboyant street musician who must orchestrate a new path for self - a magical busker of sorts. What does this song you play sound like? What colors and fragrances call to you and feed your music as you play? Who leans out of their windows as you emotionally belt out your tune? What street are you on as they clap and throw money and flowers in your direction? This vision may hold some clues for your great escape. Sift those puzzle pieces and construct your own delicious remedy to rescue you from everyday doldrums. You have a choice - there is always a choice. Boredom or audaciousness? Ennui or pleasure? Melancholy or romance? You decide.

“Throw your dreams into space like a kite and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.” - Anäis Nin

The Two of Wands - Art by Katelan Foisy


The Nine of Pentacles…


The Page of Pentacles - Reversed…