The Tower…

Have you felt a bit like life is out of control today and everything is just out of your reach? It’s not the best way to start the week, but if you just give in and let your world free fall a bit, you will begin to understand that, despite the chaos, you are protected. Unforeseen forces are hard at work to make sure that as you release, you will land safely - maybe not softly, but definitely safely. So, give in to the nosedive and let things crumble around you. Tomorrow you will be back on your feet with a whole new strategy and you may be surprised how relieved you feel. Think of the madness of this Monday as a reset and let yourself drift toward a better strategy.

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.” - Carl Jung

The Tower or “release” from The Joie de Vivre Tarot by Paulina Cassidy


Five of Pentacles (Reversed) & Two of Wands (Reversed)…


The Eight of Swords…