I felt compelled to pull four cards today with the holiday season in mind. What do we need to know as we enter the mad-frenzy of this next couple of months?!? I couldn’t help but laugh as these cards appeared. Family….oh, the joys and deep disappointments that await when it comes to family this season will amaze and astound. The truth is we will always feel like the tiny, vulnerable child longing for love and approval and this season will bring all of that to the surface as it has done over and over again each year. However, it is important to know that the power which you feel they hold over your experience is actually a choice you are making on your own. Their love is strong and true, but will not bend to meet your every expectation. Despite all of the question and doubts that arise for you this season, you can be certain that you have inherited who you are from the teachings of your family. Keep in mind that learning what not to do or who not to be is just as valuable as being guided in the right direction for self. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of family values, inclusion is not far off if you can recognize the strength and power of what has been handed down and find a sense of gratitude for who you have become. You may feel like you don’t have choices, but you ultimately get to choose how you will feel this season...