The Two of Pentacles - Reversed…
You are so good at finding that perfect financial balance in your life - no matter what the world throws in your direction. BUT today is not the day to play it safe with your spending. Let go - live large - invest in something frivolous! Does the sound of that suggestion make you gasp with fear?!? Throw caution to the wind and spend with no restriction - especially if you are feeling like you want to. Follow that fancy if letting loose will help you to have a more whimsical and light existence. You can always reign it in down the line, but every so often, your soul needs some cake - so buy the one that is the tastiest and relish it without reserve!
“Any one who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.” - Oscar Wilde
The Two of Pentacles (Reversed) from the Joie De Vivre Tarot by Paulina Cassidy