Day 16 - Tarot Challenge…
What shall we manifest in this endeavor?! In what you are after, there are two versions of self that emerge - one knowing and one quite blissfully unaware. You may have been enjoying the sense of carefree easiness that lack of knowledge carries with it. Or, you may have been feeling quite frustrated because you just can’t tell why you aren’t satisfied as you walk the long hallways of your life in darkness, trying to open the doors. But, in the manifestation of this magic you have been conjuring, your knowing self is about to align with that innocence in way that will provide you with true power and harmony. In fact, the true reward of this sorcery you have been conjuring is this powerful alliance of knowledge with serenity! Your world will benefit from this level of balance and grounded intelligence. Sometimes knowing more is all you need to take control of a situation and your life. Let these two sides of who you are join forces for your magical benefit.
“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” - Confucius
The Two of Pentacles from The Tarot of the Haunted House by Sasha Graham