Day 17 - Tarot Challenge…
Powerful cards fly in to answer the following questions: What should I begin and how will it end? It’s time to start living braver and freer in our lives! This version of the Chariot challenges us to fly in with fierceness, use all of the power that lives within us and snatch up what we aiming for. It’s time to soar into action and wildly grab hold of the change that we seek. Start today by doing something you have been longing to do, but putting off. How will this end? This Wheel appears almost in a taunting way - all elements daring us to embrace the unknown and readying us for twists and turns that will surprise and delight. The end will feel like the beginning in this case - but we will land in a place where we love the idea of constant change and challenge. Let’s face it, life should be as thrilling as a roller coaster, otherwise, what is the actual point?!? Fly in with fierceness and let it spin, my friends….no time for static.
“Without experimentation, a willingness to ask questions and try new things, we shall surely become static, repetitive and moribund.” - Anthony Bourdain
The Chariot and The Wheel of Fortune from The Dark Wood Tarot by Sasha Graham